Vessel General Permit
VGP sampling
We offer VGP Testing sampling & analysis services to comply with US EPA VGP Testing 2013 requirements.
We conduct analysis & reporting of the chemical, Bio-Chemical and Biological constituents from the following ship discharges;
Bilge water
Grey water
Ballast water
Exhaust Gas scrubber wash water
Our consultants are available to visit ships in major ports around the world. We embark on ships in quayside or in anchorage. BMS is partnered with a network of ISO 17025 certified laboratories to conduct analysis.
Samples which requires to be analysed immediately, they are conducted on board by the BMS consultant. Other samples will be sent to laboratories within the stipulated time for analysis.

Analysing parameters for VGP Testing reporting
Ballast Water
Total heterotrophic bacteria
E. coli
Total Residual Oxidizers (TRO) as Cl2
Chlorine dioxide
Total trihalomethanesa
Haloacetic acids
Scrubber wash water
Dissolved Metals
Total Metals
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (PAH)
Total Residual Oxidizers (TRO) as Cl2
Grey Water
Fecal coliform / E. coli
Total Residual chlorine
Biochemical oxidant demand
Suspended solids
Bilge Water
Oil & Grease content