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Biomarine Services joins the global effort to work hand in hand with the maritime industry towards the common goal of solving the challenges posed by the biofouling problem. With this in mind, we work

Biomarine Services Limited

In the maritime transport industry, especially on large cargo ships, biofouling considerably increases fuel consumption, which has both economic and environmental consequences [1,2,4]. This, together with the transfer of species that leads to significant alterations of ecosystems [3,4].

The growing problem of biofouling has triggered international action with legal [3,4] and research initiatives in constant introspection, with the aim of finding highly efficient solutions [4].

Among the first actions was the inclusion of a priority item on the agenda of the Sub-Committee on Liquids and Gases of the Maritime Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) in 2007 [5,6] and the biofouling guide for ship owners and operators developed by the International Maritime Organisation IMO published in 2011. This was followed by countries with own regulations such as New Zealand (Vessel Risk Management Standard for Biofouling CRMS, 2014), Australia (implementation of regulations in 2015), and the United States (National Management Plans developed by the USCG Coast Guard, Incidental Release Act of 2018, EPA regulations and state level regulations such as California) [4].

Other international and regional organisations and instruments have joined with the interest to contribute to the protection of the environment, among these are the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Helsinki Commission, OSPAR Commission and the Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution.

Most recently in 2021 the first Global Conference on Biofouling Management for the Maritime Industries took place, along with the publication of the industry standard on biofouling clean-up with capture developed by the Baltic and International Maritime Council BIMCO and partners. The developments and updates require owners, carriers, shipowners and ports to keep up to date with new requirements supported by current technological advances [4].

Biomarine Services carry out biofouling underwater inspections in all Europe, US, Canada, Middle East, Singapore, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey. biofouling management is an important fund of data for vessel optimisation and pre planing.

1.Patel, D;  Solanki, J.D.; Patel, K. C. & Nataraj, M.;.2021. Chapter 13. Application of biosurfactants as antifouling agent. Green Sustainable Process for Chemical and Environmental Engineering and Science. Biosurfactants for the Bioremediation of Polluted Environments. Pages 275-289.

2. Ferreira-Vancato, Y.C.S.; Dantas, F., L.; Fleury. B. G. 2020. Chapter 13. Nanobiocides Against Marine Biofouling. Studies in Natural Products Chemistry. Volume 67. Pages 463—514.

3. Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP). 2008. Marine Biofouling: An Assessment os Risks and Management Initiatives. Compiled by Lynn Jackson on behalf of the Global Invasive Species Programme and the UNEP Regional Seas Programme. 68pp.

4. AmericaBarAssociation (ABA). 2022. Maritime and Environmental Law Crossroads: The Intensifying Problem of Biofouling and Preventative Measures. TortSource Winter 2022: Admiralty and Maritime Law. Febreary 16, 2022 publication on Web Site.,Biofouling%20is%20the%20build%2Dup%20of%20organisms%20on%20the%20surfaces,the%20vessel's%20C02%20emissions%20increase.

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